Saturday, April 7, 2012

failure life?

juz sometimes will thinking why am i a loser in this world?
everyone is laughing at what am i thinking and what hav i done.
why? why? why?
i juz want the girl i love to love me, but whenever i confess, they refused. and yet given the reason such as i am a bad girl , u deserve a better one or i am not tat good enough for you......
juz because this happened, i turn to become more cowardice.
but because of jesus's unfailing love , i am forgiven, i am restored.
he gave me new life to survive in this world. so, i pray harder and harder to seek for my true love and i am still waiting from his answer.
l'm lost in wonder,
i'm lost in love,
i'm lost in praise,
Jesus, i need you.